
Community life

Draft a 4th essay
Community life

There is the meeting in various ways. Above all, it is ... such as a family and circle activity or part time job friends. I introduce part time job friends.
I worked as various part time jobs so far. I work now in a steakhouse. I thought that it was hard to earn money. As for getting it from a parent, I am sorry. However, I am glad shopping and that I can play for one's money. But I used it and thought that I saved to be important. When a part time job is very hard and wanted to leave it, there was it, but being pleased when I was able to take a salary is big. A chef is scare when worked. Is few mistakes, is very angry. There is the crying a part time job student inside. However, I cheer up each other together. When I think that chef say too much, but I endure it. I seemed to cry first when it was angry. Then, it is all students; time is not correct and is serious. Because some staff left it by job hunting in this summer, I worked almost every day. I played the staff, but was well lonely without the result. It was hard to work it every day. But, there was no help for it because staffs were insufficient. I did my best with me, with a daughter and the wife of the chef. But, it is not hard like the past because a lot of new staffs entered now. I must teach it in various ways, but I am difficult.
But everybody was used. We do reflection party after part time jobs were always over. A thing the miss story that I want to be careful about things. Work is possible by what I give my opinion more smoothly, and there becomes little miss. The new staffs were cried for the first time when chef angry, but cheered up each other. Staffs think "I resign", but it must work well to get money. It is easy to leave it. But, it is a waste though I learned work with much effort. I think that the partner that can help each other is to be it with the meeting.

2 件のコメント:

みかん さんのコメント...

I thought that you are very busy. And your essay write about your part time job many.your boss is very interesting and scary.
You should have paragraf.
Your part time job good.

Yu-ri さんのコメント...

Hi!! I'm yurina.
I think you work very hard!!!
I don't work everyday... but I want to do your best.
And I think your essay is a little short. So I think you try to write another title.
But your essay is very understandabe.