6 th essay
Learning with Computer
It was worry whether you could get along because you were weak in a PC.
Before writing iii
It was worry whether you could get along because you were weak in a PC. But I intended to do its best for one year. I wanted to get possible to beat slightly early.
I got possible to do anything with one PC recently because PCs spread. And a lot of people could use the PC and became the convenient world.
The email of the mobile telephone is used frequently, but the email from a PC does not lose, too. It is simple, and the email from a mobile telephone is good. However, I cannot part with the PC for the office worker working in companies.
International phone
When I went abroad, communication is cut off, but is all right if I use an international telephone call. It takes a price to some extent, but it is the method that is important, contacting a person can take.
I do not know a chat very much. I do not understand what it is, but it will be it e-mails it from a PC and a mobile telephone, and to talk.
During writing iii
I cannot readily clear typing, and it was hard. I was annoyed in lateness of one's typing. There are a lot of people who are faster than oneself even if I beat hard. I thought that more exercises were necessary.
Book review
It was 18 books for the first semester. I challenged the book which was slightly more difficult than the spring semester. There were some difficult words, but I could write time and read it slowly. I wanted to read various foreign books from now on.
I contributed it to various people, but all contents were interesting. A photograph was uploaded and was easy to comment. I wanted to go to the place that everybody went.
As for me, typing was very slow and was always discouraged. I thought that all were fast because I was around 100 to go, and 150 all were terrible. I tried typing hard not to be defeated by everybody.
When everybody commented, I was glad. There is the person who comments a lot if there is the person who easily comments.
Because I made it while watching a movie of Toy Story, it was made interesting happily. Because I loved Toy Story, I was glad of an essay when Toy Story was the same.
I had a hard time to write an essay. I made an effort to be easy to have everybody always read a lot of numbers of words. However, I was able to simplify the essay of Toy Story.
After writing iii
I came over for one year and was able to advance a little. I did not like many PCs, and it was late to hit, but what I could learn by writing was good so far.
The blog of all was very interesting. Because it was the blog which it was easy to read very much, it was easy to comment.
I learned more a word by reading a book. I tried it hard without consulting a dictionary even if there was the word that I read and did not understand. I understood it somehow while guessing.
I was weak in grammar. It is not proud, but is the most important when I learn English. However, the body got both the grammar and the word while I read a foreign book.
I thought that I must study a PC more. I think that I was able to advance from the front for one year. I think that there are a lot of people having weak point awareness, but can easily learn it. I tended not to understand me, and what I could do while it was helped by a teacher and a friend was good.